Sleep deprivation is not fun. I understand why it's used as torture when I am nursing a babe who jerks awake repeatedly, just as I am about to nod off. My poor brain thinks it's about to shut down, only to be jarred back to life. Then there is the toddler, who for some reason has decided that nursing 5 to 7 times each night is a great idea. I try to tell her no, but she is loud. If you have little ones, you understand. The screaming wakes the whole house up. And believe me, the only solution is to give in and nurse. We try appealing to her toddler sensibility and beg her to please be patient while Mommy finishes nursing the baby. I try to get her to wait until the sun comes up, or to get "Daddy huggies", I've even promised to make cookies the next day. All to no avail. There is only one thing that will make her quiet, and that's nursies.
The baby is learning to crawl, which is really cute. He is taking his sweet time. Pushing up on hands and knees and looking around for approval. Kids #2 through #5 were all zipping around on all fours at 5 months, pulling to stand at 6 months, and taking first steps at 8 months. I am enjoying this slower pace. This is the track Marissa was on.
Anyway, I think that part of the baby's sleep difficulty comes from learning a new skill. Doesn't the brain rewire or something when new skills are learned? So for this reason, I want him to just go ahead and crawl. I am TIRED. I realize the outlet plugs will have to be plugged back in and the gate will have to go up at the top of the steps, and he will have to be vigilantly watched, but maybe I can rest at night so I can actually keep up with all that.
So what the heck am I doing up right now when all the children are sleeping? I realize this is stupid. I am going to bed.